Novy Urengoy; Gas industry
Contractors: Inline Group (Inline Group)
Product: Inline Group IKSAR/IKSAR Platform for Auxiliary reality devices
Project Date: 2022/05 — 2022/08
2022: Test of the IKSAR AR platform on the Arctic LNG 2 project
Arctic LNG 2, together with Inline Group, tested the IKSAR domestic software platform in combination with industrial AR glasses in real field conditions at the site of the Center for the Construction of Large-Capacity Offshore Structures (CSKMS) in Murmansk.

Arctic LNG 2 is a project of the company "," Novatek associated with the production of liquefied natural. gas The project provides construction for three process lines for the production of liquefied natural gas with a capacity of 6.6 million tons per year each. The project operator and owner of all assets is Arctic LNG 2 LLC. As of September 2022, CSKMS is building the first two liquefaction lines at the GBS for the Arctic LNG 2 project.
The tests were carried out at two geographically spaced locations (zones) of the CSCMS according to two production scenarios as part of the acceptance tests of the ICSS equipment and the inspection of the boil-off gas compressor.
When undergoing operations on AR glasses, the employee received step-by-step graphic and text instructions for the action, audio audio narratives on the performed operations, read tags, filled out checklists, entered [data], took photos and video recordings of both the operations themselves and incidents. The voice comments recorded in the course of the actions were automatically converted into text messages when processed on the server side of the platform, with the possibility of later viewing this information in the report on the performed operations.
Control of steps and instructions, as well as all actions on AR glasses, was carried out by simple understandable voice commands in Russian.
A separate block of tasks was implemented according to video conference IKSAR, which allows not only to work in the format already familiar to everyone, AEROSPACE FORCES but also connecting employees in AR glasses directly from the production site.

The actions of the specialist in real time from the first person were observed by a large number of remote experts who instructed him and simultaneously carried out the inspection and acceptance of the actions performed.
Due to the fact that IKSAR is a ready-made domestic software for industrial use, pre-commissioning preparatory work before the start of testing at the Arctic LNG 2 TsSKMS site in Murmansk was carried out in a matter of hours, the production personnel underwent a brief briefing and independently performed all the planned activities with the assistance of the IKSAR team in a remote format.
An important feature of the IKSAR platform is that the employee could perform all actions (except for video calls) offline.
Separately, the participants in the tests praised the effectiveness of using AR glasses at the production site in conditions of serious ambient noise. It did not affect the operation of AR glasses, voice control on AR glasses worked with high accuracy of recognition of voice commands.
Commenting on the results of tests in real conditions, Sergey Vargashkin, IT Director of Arctic LNG 2 LLC, noted the potential of using the IKSAR platform in combination with AR glasses to increase the efficiency and speed of operations, transparency, objectivity of the process and results, monitoring compliance with safety precautions, improving the reliability of data obtained from "fields."
The representative of the IKSAR team Igor Starodubtsev noted the high organization of the tests carried out by Arctic LNG 2 with the participation of a large number of "observers" from different geographical regions, and also emphasized the company's great interest in using advanced innovative technologies and services in its production processes.