
"Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" and "Inline Group" are testing neural networks for quality control of parts and equipment

"Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" and the Russian IT company "Inline Group" have successfully tested neural networks for conducting incoming inspection of material and technical resources (MTR). Artificial intelligence, by comparing the equipment and parts being introduced into production with their digital models, will assist specialists in confirming the quality and quantity of MTR to the specified parameters.

During the pilot testing of the technology, the neural network performed the acceptance of pipeline fittings: valves, elbows, and tees. In the next stages of solution development, "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" and "Inline Group" will train neural networks to conduct incoming inspection of other categories of MTR.

Currently, "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" successfully tests equipment quality control system using digital solution, based on the application of artificial intelligence, machine vision, and augmented reality.

Inspectors of "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" perform incoming inspection using augmented reality headset. AR glasses sequentially display tasks for checking the characteristics of MTR, the camera installed on them allows for photo and video documentation, as well as scanning significant fragments of paper documents and recording these parameters in the digital incoming inspection card. Inspectors can fill out quality control reports verbally. The results of the conducted inspections and visual analysis of MTR together with performed measurements are automatically uploaded into the system to generate an incoming inspection report.

This procedure enhances the quality of supplied products, equipment, and other material and technical resources, reduces non-productive time during planning and carrying out repair works.

Dmitry Rudakov, Head of the Quality Management Center of Material and Technical Resources of "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye":

"Every day, employees of "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" conduct hundreds of quality checks of material and technical resources arriving at warehouses. Incoming inspection is necessary for precise compliance of equipment and parts quality with the manufacturer’s specifications before handing them over to customers. Technologies of artificial intelligence and machine learning have allowed us to increase the speed and quality of operations, as well as to remotely manage incoming inspection, so we continue to work in these directions".

Quote from "Inline Group" representative:

Igor Gulyanskiy, Director of Innovations at "Inline Group":

"Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" was the first on the Russian market to apply AR, CV, and AI capabilities based on the IKSAR platform for incoming inspection of MTR. The combination of IKSAR and Inspector Isource capabilities will provide a unique offering for wide application in various verification procedures.


Comprehensive solution "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" for conducting supplier audits, inspection, and incoming control formed the basis of the digital product Inspector, which is now available on the broad market in the Isource ecosystem.

Inspector Isource is a digital product and services for proactive management of quality and production deadlines with on-site or remote inspections by qualified experts using augmented reality and artificial intelligence tools.

Isource is an innovative technological platform based on progressive digital tools and advanced intelligent services for supply chain management.

IKSAR is a domestic software platform for implementing various scenarios to support the work of production personnel and "field" employees in AR glasses.