Contractors: Rostekhnadzor (Federal Service for Environmental Technological and Nuclear Supervision)
Product: Inline Group Ixar (XR) Platform for Auxiliary Reality Devices
Second product: Drone (drone UAV) projects
Project date: 2021/09 - 2022/02
2022: Pilot project of remote control of construction works at Archinskoye field
On March 31, 2022, Gazprom Neft announced that, together with the Federal Service for Environmental and Technological Supervision (Rostekhnadzor), it had implemented a pilot project for remote control of construction work at the Archinskoye field in the Tomsk Region. Representatives of the company and the department, through the use of augmented reality tools and unmanned systems, checked the production facility at the field, significantly simplifying and accelerating the inspection process.
Specialists of Rostekhnadzor remotely examined the booster pump station at the Archinskoye field of Gazpromneft-Vostok. Representatives of the supervisory authority monitored at a distance of 600 km from the fishing infrastructure. In addition to the AR headset, unmanned aerial vehicles were also used that recorded the exact location and actions of the operator, as well as panoramic surveys in the format of 360°.
As noted, this approach allows you to increase the effectiveness of oversight processes in the field of capital construction: inspectors receive online objective information about the state of construction facilities. According to the company's estimates, the remote control system will reduce the period of inspections by eight times, as well as significantly reduce the level of logistics costs by refusing to organize visits of inspectors directly to autonomous facilities. The company is considering the possibility of replicating this technology to other capital construction facilities.
«The use of augmented reality technologies and unmanned aircraft systems for supervisory state inspections will significantly optimize the inspection process. This is most relevant for remote and inaccessible objects. The capabilities of audio and video recording make it possible to increase the transparency of the activities and provide additional opportunities for subsequent analysis of the comments received data to make a final decision on the status of the elimination of comments on previously issued Rostekhnadzor regulations and on the compliance of the object with the requirements of the legislation» ,Dmitry Kolegov deputy head of the Siberian Department of Rostekhnadzor.