
Gazprom Neft is implementing a remote construction monitoring system

Gazprom Neft and the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological, and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor) have successfully implemented a pilot project for remote monitoring of construction work at the Archinsk field in the Tomsk region. Representatives of the company and the regulatory agency conducted an inspection of the production facility at the field using augmented reality tools and unmanned systems, significantly simplifying and expediting the inspection process.

Rostekhnadzor specialists remotely surveyed the booster pumping station at the Archinsk field, operated by Gazpromneft-Vostok. The regulatory agency representatives monitored the facility from a distance of 600 km from the field’s infrastructure. In addition to AR headsets, unmanned aerial vehicles were also used, capturing the operator’s precise location and actions, as well as conducting panoramic 360º filming.

This new approach enhances the efficiency of supervision processes in the capital construction sphere, as inspectors receive real-time objective information about the condition of construction objects. The remote monitoring system will reduce the inspection duration by eight times and significantly decrease logistical costs by eliminating the need for inspectors to travel directly to autonomous sites. The company is considering the possibility of replicating this technology for other capital construction projects.