
"Dalur" (a subsidiary of Rosatom) conducted trials of the augmented reality platform "IKSAR"

"Rostelecom", "Rosatom", and "Inline Group" have conducted trials of#nbsp;the augmented reality platform "IKSAR".

The main objectives of#nbsp;the field testing were to#nbsp;determine the effectiveness of#nbsp;using the platform in#nbsp;combination with#nbsp;AR glasses in#nbsp;a#nbsp;production environment and to#nbsp;assess the technical capabilities.

The trials took place at#nbsp;the mining sites of#nbsp;the "Dalur" mining enterprise (a#nbsp;subsidiary of#nbsp;the state corporation "Rosatom"), specifically at#nbsp;the "Dalmatovskoye" and "Dobrovolskoye" locations.

The "IKSAR" technology, in#nbsp;conjunction with the glasses, enables real-time video and audio calls, photo and video documentation of#nbsp;all production steps performed by#nbsp;operators, and the recording of#nbsp;voice comments, which are automatically converted into textual reports and saved and uploaded to#nbsp;the analytics core.

During the testing, "Dalur" employees simulated scenarios where they established contact with a#nbsp;remote expert via video communication. The expert, in#nbsp;real-time, saw everything the operator wearing#nbsp;AR glasses saw in#nbsp;front of#nbsp;their eyes, provided voice comments, sent graphical instructions and text-based guidelines directly to#nbsp;the operator’s glasses screen. The hands of#nbsp;the worker remained free to#nbsp;carry out various production tasks, and the actions of#nbsp;the field operators were not only monitored but also recorded. Additional experts, operators, or#nbsp;external observers could join the video conference session if#nbsp;necessary.
Alexandra Iskhizova, the director of#nbsp;corporate and government segments at "Rostelecom" in#nbsp;the Urals, emphasised that the company actively integrates innovative products into production processes. Currently, the augmented reality technology "IKSAR" in#nbsp;combination with#nbsp;AR glasses is#nbsp;in#nbsp;the verification stage.

Tatiana Mantsurova, the director of#nbsp;corporate and government segments at#nbsp;the branch in#nbsp;the Tyumen and Kurgan regions of#nbsp;PJSC "Rostelecom", noted that the system has passed testing and is#nbsp;ready for industrial use.

Dinis Yezhurov, the CEO of#nbsp;JSC "Dalur" (a#nbsp;mining division enterprise of#nbsp;the state corporation "Rosatom"), pointed out that thanks to#nbsp;the use of#nbsp;augmented reality technology, experts can provide guidance to#nbsp;employees in#nbsp;remote and inaccessible areas. They can send not only voice comments and instructions but also diagrams with their own annotations overlaid on#nbsp;the image without having to#nbsp;physically visit each site.

Igor Gulyansky, the director of#nbsp;innovation at "Inline Group" and the founder of#nbsp;the "IKSAR" product, commented on#nbsp;the capabilities of#nbsp;the technology: "Our implementation experience shows that the digital tool in#nbsp;the form of#nbsp;AR glasses, combined with the "IKSAR" platform, can help specialists strictly adhere to#nbsp;regulations, establish complete process transparency, reduce non-profiled workload, and prevent incorrect actions, thereby preserving the health and lives of#nbsp;workers."

Source: CNews