
The augmented reality platform "IKSAR" was tested for train maintenance at the Otrozhka locomotive depot of Russian Railways (RZD)

During the "field" work using the "IKSAR" platform and#nbsp;AR glasses, the employee had to#nbsp;perform assigned production tasks. Graphic and text guides for solving various work scenarios were displayed on#nbsp;the glasses' monitor. The employee’s activities were monitored through the camera on#nbsp;the helmet, and a#nbsp;remote expert had the ability to#nbsp;observe and make adjustments.

The testing was successful. The chief engineers of#nbsp;the Russian Railways (RZD) department noted the convenience

of#nbsp;using the platform, its potential, and its innovation for train maintenance.

The "IKSAR" platform will be#nbsp;further developed at#nbsp;the Otrozhka depot for subsequent implementation across the network.