
The company TECHNONICOL is transitioning to equipment monitoring in augmented reality

TECHNONICOL Corporation is#nbsp;a#nbsp;leading international manufacturer of#nbsp;reliable and efficient building materials and systems. The company offers the market the latest technologies, combining developments from its own research centers and advanced global experience.

In#nbsp;2023, TECHNONICOL launched a#nbsp;digital solution for industrial equipment inspection based on#nbsp;the domestic software platform IKSAR in#nbsp;combination with industrial-grade augmented reality glasses.

The implementation of#nbsp;equipment monitoring in#nbsp;augmented reality began at#nbsp;the "TECHNO Factory" in#nbsp;the "Mineral Insulation" division.

Production employees regularly perform visual inspections of#nbsp;the production lines and equipment. The list of#nbsp;verification technological operations includes a#nbsp;wide range of#nbsp;control measurements and operations. An#nbsp;employee physically moves around the production area and must carry out checks in#nbsp;strict accordance with the regulations.

Timely and accurate inspections allow for the necessary preventive and technical operations to#nbsp;ensure the uninterrupted operation of#nbsp;production lines and the release of#nbsp;finished products. Unplanned production stoppages due to#nbsp;the failure of#nbsp;individual components and units can lead to#nbsp;significant financial losses.

The innovation leaders within the company suggested to#nbsp;TECHNONICOL’s management to#nbsp;consider the possibility of#nbsp;using modern digital solutions to#nbsp;ensure the efficiency of#nbsp;the regulatory visual equipment inspection process.

Following the results of#nbsp;pilot testing, the IKSAR platform in#nbsp;combination with industrial-grade augmented reality glasses proved itself as#nbsp;a#nbsp;reliable and innovative solution that meets the high requirements of#nbsp;modern production.

In#nbsp;a#nbsp;short period of#nbsp;time, a#nbsp;joint team of#nbsp;the "TECHNO Factory" and the IKSAR product completed the project to#nbsp;implement the digital equipment inspection system.

Now, production employees conduct inspections while wearing monocular#nbsp;AR glasses following the IKSAR regulations, and specialised experts monitor the process in#nbsp;real-time.

The#nbsp;AR glasses display step-by-step graphical and text information about the required actions on#nbsp;specific equipment. After the visual inspection, the employee captures photos and videos of#nbsp;the current equipment condition. In#nbsp;case of#nbsp;non-compliance with planned specifications, an#nbsp;incident is#nbsp;recorded, which is#nbsp;immediately available to#nbsp;repair services for response strategy and resolution.

The completion of#nbsp;the inspection is#nbsp;accompanied by#nbsp;the creation of#nbsp;a#nbsp;detailed digital trail of#nbsp;all operations, including completed checklists and inspection parameters. The inspection report is#nbsp;automatically sent to#nbsp;the service manager.

The analytical module of#nbsp;the IKSAR platform provides detailed information from various perspectives, including people, equipment, time periods, incidents, and other relevant parameters for making management decisions.

IKSAR includes a#nbsp;video conferencing module and, in#nbsp;addition to#nbsp;the usual video conferencing functions, offers unique capabilities for connecting employees wearing#nbsp;AR glasses in#nbsp;group communication mode. This allows geographically distant participants to#nbsp;see the current state of#nbsp;equipment from a#nbsp;first-person perspective and provide on-site workers with advice on#nbsp;the necessary tasks for diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Remote experts, in#nbsp;a#nbsp;video conferencing mode, overlay graphical indicators in#nbsp;augmented reality on#nbsp;the live video stream, highlighting the necessary areas for the employee wearing#nbsp;AR glasses to#nbsp;take action according to#nbsp;their recommendations.

Such interactive interaction not only helps to#nbsp;address the problem here and now but also builds a#nbsp;knowledge base for the future, enabling the analysis of#nbsp;video recordings of#nbsp;troubleshooting for specific types of#nbsp;equipment. This knowledge base can be#nbsp;helpful for training and skill improvement of#nbsp;employees, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;for handling warranty claims within the framework of#nbsp;warranty service.

TECHNONICOL Corporation is#nbsp;formulating a#nbsp;development plan for the created solution, including connecting the remaining four plants in#nbsp;the "Mineral Insulation" division to#nbsp;the digital ToIR system and using IKSAR for other types of "field" employees and production