
"Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" and "Inline Group" are testing neural networks for quality control of parts and equipment

"Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" and the Russian#nbsp;IT company "Inline Group" have successfully tested neural networks for conducting incoming inspection of#nbsp;material and technical resources (MTR). Artificial intelligence, by#nbsp;comparing the equipment and parts being introduced into production with their digital models, will assist specialists in#nbsp;confirming the quality and quantity of#nbsp;MTR to#nbsp;the specified parameters.

During the pilot testing of#nbsp;the technology, the neural network performed the acceptance of#nbsp;pipeline fittings: valves, elbows, and tees. In#nbsp;the next stages of#nbsp;solution development, "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" and "Inline Group" will train neural networks to#nbsp;conduct incoming inspection of#nbsp;other categories of#nbsp;MTR.

Currently, "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" successfully tests equipment quality control system using digital solution, based on#nbsp;the application of#nbsp;artificial intelligence, machine vision, and augmented reality.

Inspectors of "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" perform incoming inspection using augmented reality headset. AR#nbsp;glasses sequentially display tasks for checking the characteristics of#nbsp;MTR, the camera installed on#nbsp;them allows for photo and video documentation, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;scanning significant fragments of#nbsp;paper documents and recording these parameters in#nbsp;the digital incoming inspection card. Inspectors can fill out quality control reports verbally. The results of#nbsp;the conducted inspections and visual analysis of#nbsp;MTR together with performed measurements are automatically uploaded into the system to#nbsp;generate an#nbsp;incoming inspection report.

This procedure enhances the quality of#nbsp;supplied products, equipment, and other material and technical resources, reduces non-productive time during planning and carrying out repair works.

Dmitry Rudakov, Head of#nbsp;the Quality Management Center of#nbsp;Material and Technical Resources of "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye":

"Every day, employees of "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" conduct hundreds of#nbsp;quality checks of#nbsp;material and technical resources arriving at#nbsp;warehouses. Incoming inspection is#nbsp;necessary for precise compliance of#nbsp;equipment and parts quality with the manufacturer’s specifications before handing them over to#nbsp;customers. Technologies of#nbsp;artificial intelligence and machine learning have allowed us#nbsp;to#nbsp;increase the speed and quality of#nbsp;operations, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;to#nbsp;remotely manage incoming inspection, so#nbsp;we#nbsp;continue to#nbsp;work in#nbsp;these directions".

Quote from "Inline Group" representative:

Igor Gulyanskiy, Director of#nbsp;Innovations at "Inline Group":

"Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" was the first on#nbsp;the Russian market to#nbsp;apply AR, CV, and#nbsp;AI capabilities based on#nbsp;the IKSAR platform for incoming inspection of#nbsp;MTR. The combination of#nbsp;IKSAR and Inspector Isource capabilities will provide a#nbsp;unique offering for wide application in#nbsp;various verification procedures.


Comprehensive solution "Gazpromneft-Snabzheniye" for conducting supplier audits, inspection, and incoming control formed the basis of#nbsp;the digital product Inspector, which is#nbsp;now available on#nbsp;the broad market in#nbsp;the Isource ecosystem.

Inspector Isource is#nbsp;a#nbsp;digital product and services for proactive management of#nbsp;quality and production deadlines with on-site or#nbsp;remote inspections by#nbsp;qualified experts using augmented reality and artificial intelligence tools.

Isource is#nbsp;an#nbsp;innovative technological platform based on#nbsp;progressive digital tools and advanced intelligent services for supply chain management.

IKSAR is#nbsp;a#nbsp;domestic software platform for implementing various scenarios to#nbsp;support the work of#nbsp;production personnel and "field" employees in#nbsp;AR glasses.