2021-08-12 10:00

INLINE GROUP has made it to the Short List of the RB Digital Awards 2022

The pilot project of INLINE GROUP utilising the IKSAR platform and industrial-grade#nbsp;AR devices to#nbsp;reduce downtime of#nbsp;the logging equipment at «Priangarsky LPK» has been selected as#nbsp;one of#nbsp;the contenders for the#nbsp;RB Digital Awards 2022.

The case study titled «Augmented Reality Glasses Aid Equipment Repair in#nbsp;the Taiga» has been included in#nbsp;the list of#nbsp;the top six Russian pilot projects in#nbsp;the corporate business accelerator (category: «Corporate Pilot»), following a#nbsp;rigorous competition among 30 applicants. The winner will be#nbsp;announced on#nbsp;February 10, 2022, at#nbsp;the grand ceremony of#nbsp;the#nbsp;RB Digital Awards 2022 in#nbsp;Moscow.

The essence of#nbsp;the pilot project at «Priangarsky LPK» is#nbsp;to#nbsp;assess the applicability and effectiveness of#nbsp;augmented reality technologies and devices in#nbsp;digitally supporting the work of#nbsp;mechanics operating specialised logging equipment. These technologies ensure the accuracy of#nbsp;data on#nbsp;performed tasks, including photo and video materials of#nbsp;checkpoints within the process. An#nbsp;intuitive voice-controlled interface in#nbsp;Russian, along with a#nbsp;clear and visual order of#nbsp;operations presented right before the user’s eyes, enables the servicing process of#nbsp;the equipment to#nbsp;be#nbsp;carried out in#nbsp;strict compliance with the manufacturer’s regulations. The work was conducted both on#nbsp;the factory production site and in#nbsp;remote logging areas.

RB#nbsp;Digital Awards 2022 is#nbsp;an#nbsp;independent prize awarded for cases in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;digital transformation to#nbsp;companies that have enhanced business efficiency through new technologies. In#nbsp;2022, over 400 applications were submitted for the first stage of#nbsp;selection, resulting in#nbsp;the identification of#nbsp;57 finalists.