2023-10-03 21:02

New AR Glasses for Industrial Use Coming Soon to Russia

The IKSAR team is#nbsp;committed to#nbsp;ensuring compatibility of#nbsp;its software with leading models of#nbsp;augmented reality glasses on#nbsp;the global market.

Every six months, global manufacturers introduce new models of#nbsp;AR glasses, including those suitable for industrial use.

We#nbsp;purchase and test all the latest releases available in#nbsp;open and closed sales. We#nbsp;strive to#nbsp;establish direct contracts with#nbsp;AR glasses manufacturers and be#nbsp;among the first to#nbsp;learn about innovations, both technical and software-related.

Very soon, the offering for Russian customers will be#nbsp;expanded with a#nbsp;new model from Moziware.

Moziware’s#nbsp;AR glasses, called 'cimo,' are characterised by#nbsp;compactness, versatility, and a#nbsp;more affordable price compared to#nbsp;competitors.

According to#nbsp;the manufacturer, the device’s screen offers a#nbsp;good 20-degree field of#nbsp;view, can withstand drops onto hard surfaces from a#nbsp;height of#nbsp;1.5 meters, and features voice control in#nbsp;multiple languages, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;active noise cancellation up#nbsp;to#nbsp;90dB.

The device falls into the standalone category, meaning that Moziware cimo#nbsp;AR glasses do#nbsp;not require any external control unit to#nbsp;operate. In#nbsp;essence, it’s a#nbsp;smartphone transferred to#nbsp;the head, complete with memory, a#nbsp;processor, a#nbsp;screen, speakers, microphones, sensors, and much more.

Unlike competitors, the device is#nbsp;relatively lightweight, weighing only 155 grams.

The glasses have 2 cameras: a#nbsp;main one and a#nbsp;front-facing one, with 16 and 8 MP#nbsp;resolution, respectively.

The manufacturer has ensured compatibility of#nbsp;the#nbsp;AR glasses with personal protective equipment and traditional prescription glasses, allowing the device to#nbsp;be#nbsp;used by#nbsp;people in#nbsp;various professions.

Soon, the new product will be#nbsp;in#nbsp;the hands of#nbsp;the IKSAR team, and we#nbsp;will conduct extensive tests and provide you with all the details."