2024-05-02 11:55

IKSAR at the International Technological Forum "Innovations. Technologies. Production'"

On April 18 and 19, 2024, under the auspices of the United Engine Corporation (UEC), the X International Technological Forum "Innovations. Technologies. Production" took place in Rybinsk.

At the Forum’s venues, experts discuss breakthrough technologies across 39 sections, covering 6 directions, including power plants, new materials, enterprise digitisation, production organisation and preparation technologies, onboard equipment for BAS, and organisation of personnel training for high-tech enterprises.

On April 18, 2024, the "Engine Building" demo day also took place at the Forum, where UEC experts, Power Machines, CIAM, NPO Energomash, and other members presented the results of work on particularly significant projects.

ODK-Saturn, at its own separate stand, demonstrated to all Forum participants the results of a pilot project implementing the "IKSAR" software in combination with AR glasses for assembling aircraft engine units and assemblies.

Visitors to the stand could experience being assembly workers of complex products through graphical instructions directly in front of their eyes on the AR glasses screen, controlling all technological process operations with voice commands, confirming execution, including photo and video documentation, and leaving a complete digital trace of their actions. These functions are just a small part of the comprehensive solution being developed based on the IKSAR software for digital assembly support.

The "IKSAR" team thanks ODK-Saturn for the invitation to participate in the Forum!