2022-04-01 18:55

Gazprom Neft and Rosprirodnadzor utilize augmented reality tools for the first time

Gazprom Neft in#nbsp;collaboration with Rosprirodnadzor, conducted inspections of#nbsp;production facilities in#nbsp;Russia for the first time using augmented reality (AR) technologies. AR#nbsp;solutions enabled remote and expedited assessments of#nbsp;compliance with environmental legislation for capital construction projects and issuance of#nbsp;documents for commissioning.

Representatives of#nbsp;Rosprirodnadzor, located at#nbsp;their workplaces in#nbsp;Moscow and Orenburg, remotely inspected the new wells of#nbsp;Gazprom Neft at#nbsp;the Yagodnoye field in#nbsp;the Orenburg region. This inspection in#nbsp;Russia was the first to#nbsp;employ both video streaming and augmented reality tools. Following the inspection, Rosprirodnadzor issued a#nbsp;conclusion confirming the compliance of#nbsp;the wells with environmental norms, allowing the completion of#nbsp;the evaluation procedure and obtaining permission for the commissioning of#nbsp;the facilities.

The pilot experiment confirmed the high effectiveness of#nbsp;augmented reality technologies for remote monitoring and acceptance of#nbsp;newly constructed objects. Digital solutions increase speed and quality while reducing costs, particularly in#nbsp;inspections conducted in#nbsp;challenging and remote areas. Moreover, these technologies ensure safety and expedite the evaluation of#nbsp;new production facilities under the constraints imposed by#nbsp;the COVID-19 pandemic. In#nbsp;the future, Rosprirodnadzor may replicate this solution for the acceptance of#nbsp;new construction projects in#nbsp;other regions of#nbsp;Russia.