2023-08-10 17:15

Augmented Reality: The Innovation Driver for BMW

BMW Group has been integrating#nbsp;AR into its production processes since 2016, steadily expanding the range of#nbsp;applications.

The company employs augmented reality devices and technologies from RealWear when working with all dealerships in#nbsp;North America, uses#nbsp;MS Hololens glasses and specialized software at#nbsp;various stages of#nbsp;car production and employee training. It#nbsp;also utilizes innovations from Varjo and other#nbsp;AR equipment manufacturers to#nbsp;create an#nbsp;entirely new user experience for driving. BMW has even developed its own#nbsp;AR glasses for motorcyclists.


In#nbsp;production, augmented reality is#nbsp;utilized for quality control. In#nbsp;this case, faster inspection directly influences labor productivity and car production volume.


  • Need to#nbsp;accelerate part inspection without compromising quality.


  • Integration of#nbsp;augmented reality devices and technologies into quality control process with overlay of#nbsp;digital CAD models over physical objects according to#nbsp;50 criteria.


  • Faster inspection of#nbsp;complex parts without compromising quality.

Service Maintenance at Dealerships

In#nbsp;2022 alone, BMW Group sold over 300,000 cars in#nbsp;North America. Each vehicle requires occasional maintenance and sometimes complex repairs. With each year, BMW releases increasingly sophisticated cars. Mechanics need to#nbsp;continuously enhance their skills to#nbsp;diagnose and repair these vehicles. To#nbsp;assist technicians at#nbsp;all North American dealerships, AR#nbsp;was introduced.


  • Duration of#nbsp;complex repairs at#nbsp;BMW Centers and MINI Dealers,
  • Lack of#nbsp;experienced experts at#nbsp;dealerships,
  • High costs of#nbsp;factory experts traveling to#nbsp;dealerships to#nbsp;address complex cases.


  • Integration of#nbsp;augmented reality devices into service maintenance process for complex repairs at#nbsp;347 BMW and MINI dealerships.


  • 75% acceleration in#nbsp;complex repair process,
  • Increased customer loyalty,
  • Enhanced efficiency of#nbsp;dealerships,
  • Higher quality expertise among dealership mechanics,
  • Reduction in#nbsp;travel expenses.

Annual Employee Training

The company introduces changes and expands its vehicle lineup annually, including in#nbsp;the field of#nbsp;electric vehicles. A#nbsp;key task for BMW Group is#nbsp;rapid dissemination of#nbsp;knowledge about all new innovations within the company.

To#nbsp;accelerate training, the company has been using augmented reality tools for several years.

For instance, AR#nbsp;glasses are used in#nbsp;engine assembly training. Visual instructions displayed on#nbsp;the glasses' screens guide participants through each step of#nbsp;the production process. Participants can work at#nbsp;their own pace, adjusting training speed using voice commands. Now, three people can simultaneously undergo training in#nbsp;augmented reality, as#nbsp;opposed to#nbsp;individual training by#nbsp;a#nbsp;trainer.


  • Need to#nbsp;annually retrain thousands of#nbsp;employees in#nbsp;a#nbsp;short time,
  • Training difficulties due to#nbsp;geographic distribution and various constraints (e.g., Covid-19 pandemic),
  • Limited time availability and number of#nbsp;trainers.


  • Integration of#nbsp;augmented reality into training process.


  • Over 2,000 employees completed the course three times faster than the previous year,
  • Enabling secure training despite constraints (e.g., Covid-19),
  • Increased efficiency in#nbsp;trainers' time usage.

Vehicle Sales

Increasing car and motorcycle sales is#nbsp;a#nbsp;key goal for BMW Group.

AR#nbsp;tools have become new means to#nbsp;achieve this goal. BMW offers customers the opportunity to#nbsp;explore their vehicles' features in#nbsp;augmented and virtual reality, experience new driving sensations during test drives, and even offers its own#nbsp;AR glasses for motorcyclists.


  • Seeking new growth drivers for sales.


  • Integration of#nbsp;virtual and augmented reality in#nbsp;over 2,400 BMW Centers and branches worldwide, allowing display of#nbsp;over 50 variants of#nbsp;BMW or#nbsp;MINI vehicles in#nbsp;every available trim. Moreover, customers can experience a#nbsp;virtual test drive of#nbsp;their preferred vehicle.
  • For thrill-seekers, specialized showrooms offer unique driving sensations with mixed reality helmets on#nbsp;specialized test tracks. A#nbsp;person physically drives a#nbsp;car on#nbsp;a#nbsp;testing track while experiencing a#nbsp;virtual track through#nbsp;MR (Mixed Reality) glasses.
  • BMW has also developed its own#nbsp;AR glasses for motorcyclists, displaying route navigation and crucial information on#nbsp;transparent lenses during movement.


  • Increased customer loyalty and knowledge about BMW vehicles,
  • Enhanced interest from potential future BMW Group vehicle owners.
BMW is#nbsp;a#nbsp;true pioneer in#nbsp;the realm of#nbsp;new technologies, ready to#nbsp;astonish customers by#nbsp;transforming the production, ownership, and sales processes into real performances.
Photos: BMW Group